
Girls and boys can join Beavers when they turn 6 years old. They enjoy all that Scouting has to offer; including outdoor activities, developing new skills, helping their local community and experience the excitement of a Beaver Scout Sleepover with their friends.

Plus fun and adventure both on and off the water!

Our Beaver colony meets on Fridays from 6pm to 7:15pm at St Paul’s church in Bishopstoke.

Our leadership team is entirely made up of volunteers who enjoy running Beaver meetings.  All adult volunteers have training and a CRB check, and there is always at least one adult who is first aid qualified.

If you would like the opportunity to do something you’d never thought of doing, while having lots of fun and giving back to the community at the same time, please get in touch – we can always do with more adult volunteers.

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in getting your child involved or finding out more, it’s easy! Join the adventure now!