Scouting doesn’t happen without a team of leaders to help run it. This involves planning meetings, running activities, and working with young people. There are also many supporting roles that help to keep the organisation moving such as administration, finance and media. And all of these roles are filled by volunteers.
Would you like to…
- Spend some quality time with your child?
- Develop your own skills?
- Have fun and rediscover adventure?
- Give something back to the community?
Why not try some of the fun and adventure of Scouting yourself? You’ll be amazed at the difference you can make and how good you’ll feel…
We have a wide range of flexible vacancies either supporting young people or behind the scenes. Even if you can only give one hour a month, any help is truly amazing!
Fancy the challenge? Go to the ‘Get Involved’ page and ‘Volunteer with us’ subheading or speak to a section leader and we’ll help you get started.
And of course our volunteers get to take part in the acivities too! 😉